Recommended End-game Lineups Consisting of 4-Star & 5-Star Officer


A few days ago, I created a thread about Officer lineups. I would like to say thank you to those who came to ask me for suggestions. But right now, the comment section is getting bigger and I don’t have enough time to answer all of them. So from now on, I will only reply to some of the comments. Thank you for your understanding and support.

I learned some of the lineups from other players while I was playing the English version of this game. After some deep analysis and personal experience, I believe the lineups are powerful enough so I’d like to recommend them to you. If you have the required Officers and Tactics, you may directly copy from the lineup list and skip the part where you ask me what lineups you should go for. Only those players who lack good Officers will have problems building a proper lineup.

Again, I created this thread specifically for the purpose of listing out some good lineups. If you know other lineups that are also powerful, feel free to leave a comment down below and share with us. I will add more lineups to my list when I see good ideas.

If you have questions regarding in-game mechanics such as Officers, synergies, and Tactics, you can also leave a comment. I will do my best to answer your questions!

However, if you want to ask me what Officer lineups you should go for, please visit another thread as I will not be answering questions like that in this thread.

Here is the link:

If you can build even just one of the following lineups, you will have no problem having fun in the game. In the late game, the gap in the power level between a premium player and a free-to-play player becomes smaller. Once you have mastered the Counter Relationships of Troop Types and collected the meta Tactics and Officers, even a 4-Star Officer lineup can defeat a 5-Star Officer lineup.

First off, I’ll recommend 4-Star lineups to those players who don’t spend money or only spend a little money on this game.

I personally think Falling Wind, Raid and Pillage, and Swallow Dance are the strongest A-tier Tactics for a Weapon Damage lineup. If you have any of these 3 Tactics, you can always equip them for your Officers no matter the situation.

These are the lineups that I personally think are good. Please give me some feedback so that I can improve this list of lineups. The synergies and combinations of Officers and Tactics are a lot of fun. It brings you a sense of achievement when you design a powerful lineup by yourself. If you are a designer who loves to play with different synergies and combinations, feel free to leave a comment and discuss with us. As the saying goes, “The more the merrier.”


Put this part in the first thread:

Lately, there have been more and more comments. First of all, thank you for your support. However, I only have so much time in a day and I’m failing to keep up with how fast the comment section updates. Please forgive me if my replies are slow.

I summarized some of the lineups that I think are good and created another thread. Click the link down below to check it out.

If you have the required Officers and Tactics, you may directly copy from the lineup list and skip the part where you ask me what lineups you should go for. I must save time for those players who don’t have enough Officers or Tactics to build a proper lineup. They are the ones who might need me to help them design a new lineup based on the limited things they have.

I hope everyone can find their favorite lineup.